Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is a test. This is only a test. Had it been a blog worthy of your time or effort, it would be chocked full of morality tales and a directory to basic human decency, as it is undoubtedly in great need in America today.
Not so long ago, I enjoyed engaging others in political dialog. Not so much to change their minds, but to try to come to an understanding of how those who politically disagree with me think. This is difficult for many people; for an honest evaluation of others' opinions causes necessary self-reflection, and this may expose things we do not want exposed, namely that we are wrong, or to a lesser degree, that perhaps, just perhaps there may be some truth in what those with a opposing view say. Instead, we entrench ourselves with like-minded souls, collectively dismissing the "others."
This, of course, is not new to American political discourse. This is the very essence of our political discourse. However, what has caused me to take pause and step back from the discussion is the level of vitriol currently coloring the discussion. (paused here for life.)